Tegan Welsh often gets tagged in ISO ads for hunter ponies. We then have to explain that our Section C's are not hunter ponies in the North American hunter pony show world. Have we ever produced a successful hunter pony? Yes, we have. That pony, as a Section C, would not fulfill the breed standard for a Section C. Even though the pony is successful in the hunter pony world he is not a correct Section C.
The breed standard concerning movement as written on the Welsh Pony and Cob Society of American website states: "Free, true and forcible. The knee should be bent and the whole foreleg should be extended straight from the shoulder and as far forward as possible in the trot. Hocks flexed under the body with straight and powerful leverage." Obviously this movement is not the flat kneed long low movement desired by the hunter pony show world.
Section C Welsh ponies can be great jumpers. However their style is best utilized in the pony jumper arena where their strength and push from behind will be an asset or in eventing where their love for a good gallop and their flair for dressage will be rewarded. Fox hunting is another great jumping venue for the Section C.
Pony sports that Welsh Section C's movement and conformation are ideally suited to are dressage, combined driving, pleasure driving, and working equitation. And of course our Cs are awesome at trekking, trail riding, games, and equestrian trail sports.
Welsh Section Cs are great athletes with good balance and brilliance of movement that make them suitable for many equestrian sports and pleasure pursuits. However, a correct moving Section C is not a show hunter pony.
